Aim & Scope

The Journal of Media and Business Studies Research (JMBSR) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original scholarly articles that apply business theories to the examination of media and the media industries. JMBSR focuses on the dynamics of media businesses broadly defined, with a particular interest in the creation, operation, marketing, distribution, and consumption of media businesses and their products, including newspapers, magazines, television, music, film, videogames, literature, advertising, and digital/social/new media.


The aim of JMBSR is to advance the theoretical and empirical knowledge of media business studies. The journal seeks to publish high-quality research that contributes to the understanding of the media industries, the businesses that operate within them, and the consumers of media products and services.


JMBSR welcomes contributions on a wide range of topics in media business studies, including:

  • The economics of the media industries
  • Media management and strategy
  • Media marketing and advertising
  • Media audiences and consumer behavior
  • Media content and production
  • Media policy and regulation
  • The impact of new technologies on the media industries

JMBSR accepts contributions from all methodological traditions, quantitative or qualitative. The journal seeks rigor and thorough reporting in research design, measurement, sampling, and statistical or qualitative analysis.

Examples of topics that JMBSR would consider publishing include:

  • The impact of streaming services on the traditional television industry
  • The role of social media in the marketing of media products
  • The challenges of monetizing digital media
  • The impact of new technologies on the production and distribution of media content
  • The role of media in society and culture

JMBSR is an open access journal, meaning that all articles are freely available to read and download.