Archiving Policy

The Journal of Media and Business Studies Research (JMBSR) is a green open access journal, which means that authors are allowed to self-archive their accepted manuscripts (post-peer review, pre-publication) on their personal websites and/or in institutional repositories, with an embargo period of 12 months after first publication.

After the 12-month embargo period, authors are also allowed to self-archive the published PDF of their article on a website, institutional repository, or other free public server.

JMBSR encourages authors to self-archive their work, as this helps to increase the visibility and accessibility of their research.

Here are some additional details about the JMBSR archiving policy:

  • Authors are allowed to self-archive the following versions of their articles:
    • Accepted manuscript (post-peer review, pre-publication)
    • Published PDF (after the 12-month embargo period)
  • Authors must cite the original publication in JMB when self-archiving their work.
  • Authors must include a link to the published article on the JMB website in their self-archived version.

If you have any questions about the JMBSR archiving policy, please contact the journal editor.