Plagiarism Policy

The Journal of Media and Business Studies Research (JMBSR) has a strict plagiarism policy. All submitted manuscripts are screened for plagiarism using a reputable plagiarism detection software. The journal has a similarity index threshold of 20% for articles and 25% for technical notes and book reviews. If a manuscript is found to have a similarity index above the threshold, it will be rejected without being sent for peer review.

The journal also has a policy on self-plagiarism. Self-plagiarism is the act of copying one's own previously published work without proper attribution. The journal considers self-plagiarism to be a serious ethical violation. If a manuscript is found to contain self-plagiarism, it will be rejected without being sent for peer review.

The journal's plagiarism policy is in place to protect the integrity of the journal and to ensure that all published articles are original and original research. The journal takes plagiarism very seriously, and any author found to have plagiarized will be subject to disciplinary action, including being banned from publishing in the journal in the future.

Here are some tips to avoid plagiarism:

  • Always paraphrase or quote sources correctly.
  • Be sure to cite all sources used in your manuscript, even if you only paraphrased the information.
  • Keep track of all sources used in your manuscript using a reference management software.
  • Proofread your manuscript carefully to make sure that all sources have been cited correctly.

If you have any questions about the journal's plagiarism policy, please contact the editorial office.