"The Role of Podcasts in Business Communication and Marketing"


  • Muhammad Aamir COMSATS Institute of Information Technology
  • Aijaz COMSATS Institute of Information Technology


Podcasts, Business Communication, Marketing, Brand Engagement, Audio Content, Audience Engagement, Podcasting Strategies, Content Marketing


Podcasts have emerged as a powerful tool for businesses to communicate with their target audiences and market their products and services. This article explores the growing significance of podcasts in the realm of business communication and marketing. It discusses the various ways in which podcasts can be used effectively, their impact on brand engagement, and the challenges businesses may encounter in their podcasting endeavors. Through case studies and analysis, this research sheds light on the evolving landscape of podcasting and its potential as a strategic communication tool for businesses.




How to Cite

Muhammad Aamir, & Aijaz. (2023). "The Role of Podcasts in Business Communication and Marketing". Journal Of Media And Business Studies Research, 2(3), 15–27. Retrieved from https://jmbsr.com/index.php/Journal/article/view/45