"Media Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Opportunities in the Digital Landscape"


  • Fatima Hassan University of Karachi
  • Farrukh Saleem University of Karachi


Media entrepreneurship, digital landscape, challenges, opportunities, innovation, business models, new media, competition, content creation, monetization


This article explores the dynamic realm of media entrepreneurship within the digital landscape, highlighting the challenges and opportunities that aspiring media entrepreneurs encounter. With the advent of the internet and new media platforms, the media industry has undergone significant transformations, offering unprecedented opportunities for innovative ventures. However, this digital evolution has also brought forth unique challenges, including fierce competition and rapidly changing consumer preferences. Through a comprehensive analysis, this study sheds light on the key factors that impact media entrepreneurship and offers insights into strategies for success in this ever-evolving terrain.




How to Cite

Fatima Hassan, & Farrukh Saleem. (2023). "Media Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Opportunities in the Digital Landscape". Journal Of Media And Business Studies Research, 2(3), 26–36. Retrieved from https://jmbsr.com/index.php/Journal/article/view/46