"The Impact of Social Media Advertising on Consumer Behavior: A Comparative Analysis"


  • Bilal Ahmad COMSATS Institute of Information Technology
  • Bushra Naz COMSATS Institute of Information Technology


Social Media Advertising, Consumer Behavior, Comparative Analysis, Digital Marketing, Attitudes, Preferences, Purchasing Decisions, Mixed-Methods Approach


This study delves into the dynamic relationship between social media advertising and consumer behavior. Through a comparative analysis, it examines the influence of various social media platforms on consumers' attitudes, preferences, and purchasing decisions. Utilizing a mixed-methods approach, this research offers valuable insights into the evolving landscape of digital marketing and its profound effects on contemporary consumer behavior.




How to Cite

Bilal Ahmad, & Bushra Naz. (2022). "The Impact of Social Media Advertising on Consumer Behavior: A Comparative Analysis". Journal Of Media And Business Studies Research, 1(1), 1–15. Retrieved from https://jmbsr.com/index.php/Journal/article/view/1