"Media Ethics in the Age of Fake News: Challenges and Solutions"


  • Masooda Ijaz University of Education
  • Ahmed Farooq University of Education


Media Ethics, Fake News, Journalism,, Misinformation, Digital Age, Ethical Challenges, Journalistic Integrity, Public Trust


This article delves into the pressing issue of media ethics in an era characterized by the proliferation of fake news. It explores the ethical challenges that media professionals face in the digital age and offers potential solutions to maintain journalistic integrity and public trust. Through an analysis of case studies and ethical frameworks, this research contributes to the ongoing discourse on the responsibilities of media outlets in combating misinformation.




How to Cite

Masooda Ijaz, & Ahmed Farooq. (2022). "Media Ethics in the Age of Fake News: Challenges and Solutions". Journal Of Media And Business Studies Research, 1(1), 16–30. Retrieved from https://jmbsr.com/index.php/Journal/article/view/2